Risk Management 2020:
Hot Topics and Cool Solutions

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Pillinger Miller Tarallo and St. John’s Tobin Center for Executive Education, its Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science (GSRM) proudly present our inaugural conference:

Risk Management 2020: Hot Topics and Cool Solutions.

In today’s complex business environment, the number one issue facing insurance and claims executives is effective and efficient strategic risk management – an issue affecting whole industries as well as individual companies.

Our panel participants – comprised of highly-experienced attorneys, senior claims executives and GSRM professors – will offer incisive insights on topics ranging from additional insured status to indemnification to risk transfer and will and cover the tools that can be used to successfully acknowledge, manage and reduce risk for both insureds and self-insureds alike.

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2 pm
Thomas M. Bona, Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP

2 pm – 3 pm
Session One: Protect Yourself – The Keys to Risk Transfer?

  • Indemnification Agreements and Their Limitations
  • Owner Controlled Insurance Programs/ Contractor Controlled Insurance Programs/ Reinsurance
  • Contractual Indemnification Agreements
  • Additional Insured Coverage versus Contractual Indemnity Recovery

3 pm – 3:15 pm   

3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Session Two: You Have a Valid Indemnity Agreement – Can You Really Sleep At Night ?

  • You Have Been Tendered to: What’s Next?
  • The Critical Investigation
  • Does the Insurance Policy Cover the Pass Through


*Speakers and Agenda are subject to change

Webinar Panelists

Opening and Closing Remarks: Thomas M. Bona, Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
Moderator: Neil Sambursky, Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
Marc Pillinger, Executive Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
Jeff Miller, Executive Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
John McCune, Vice President – Old Republic Contractors Insurance Group
Thomas Schlesinger, Litigation Attorney – RiverStone
Jack Jennings, Adjunct Professor – Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Management
Steven Benjamin, Adjunct Professor – Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Management

Thank You to Our Partners

PMT Risk Management Partners