========== YouTube Chapters =============
00:00 Opening Remarks and Panel Introductions
06:13 Grieving Families Act
50:08 Artificial Intelligence and the CPLR: a match Made in Heaven or Perfect Strangers? Key provisions
1:13:00 Waiting to Erupt? Proposed Bad Faith Legislation and Unfair Settlement Practices Act in New York. What is the current bad faith law and what would the proposed laws change?
1:19:34 Questions and Answers
1:28:19 Closing Remarks
Pillinger Miller Tarallo and St. John’s Tobin Center for Executive Education, its Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science (GSRM) Proudly Presents Our 7th Conference Webinar Series:
Webinar (CLE and CE credits available)
2023 PMT Legislative Update: New Laws You Must Know
Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
1.5 CLE Credits for Attorneys and 1 CE Credit is Available for Claims Adjusters who are Licensed in NY, NJ or PA. Must supply license, state, position, and email upon registration and must attend the entire webinar.
There is always new legislation that can have dramatic effects on the insurance industry. In this webinar, we explore with a panel of experts new and proposed legislation that you must know and what the legislation means for the insurance industry.
Agenda Wednesday, December 6th, 2023, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Grieving Families Act
- It’s about time and why now?
- What are the differences between the current law and the new law?
- Opening a black hole and what are the limits to the new law?
- Who’s Crying Now – What will be the cost to the industry and policyholders?
Artificial Intelligence and the CPLR: a match Made in Heaven or Perfect Strangers? Key provisions
- Key Provisions
- Artificial Intelligence and Experts
- Is the judiciary tech savvy enough to apply the new law?
- Will juries give too much weight to AI evidence to the detriment of the real evidence?
Waiting to Erupt? Proposed Bad Faith Legislation and Unfair Settlement Practices Act in New York. What is the current bad faith law and what would the proposed laws change?
- Key Provisions
- Creating a private cause of action-time for New York to become pro policyholder?
- Can the insurance industry afford these new laws?
Webinar Panelists
- Marc H. Pillinger, Esq., Executive Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
- Neil L. Sambursky, Esq., Managing Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
- John J. Tambascia, Esq., Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
- Kenneth A. Krajewski, Esq., Partner – Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP
- S. Joseph Donohue, Esq., Partner – Block O’Toole & Murphy
- Professor Albert J. Beer – St. John’s Greenberg School of Risk Management XL Chair
- Hon. John DiBlasi – NAM and Retired Supreme Court Justice
Note: Speakers and agenda are subject to change. / CE Credits Are Available
Thank You to Our Partners