Venue: Supreme Court, Queens County
This was a two-car motor vehicle accident at an intersection where all parties had a stop sign. Plaintiff was a passenger in our client’s vehicle at the time of the accident. The facts further indicated that after stopping at the stop sign, our client proceeded through the intersection and was struck by co-defendant’s vehicle due to co-defendant’s failure to stop at the stop sign. A witness to the accident agreed with our client that co-defendant failed to stop at the stop sign.
At the completion of trial, a mixed verdict was give. Liability was divided as follows: 80% to co-defendant and 20% to our client. Damages of $50,000 were awarded to plaintiff for past damages only. No award for future damages was awarded.
PMT Attorney: Kimberly A. Carulli
Court: Supreme Court, Queens County
Judge: Ernest F. Hart
Case Type: Auto
Caption: Deokie Ramlochan v. Bibi Hafiza Mohammed, Aleem Mohammed and Mohamed S. Khan
Index No.: 704657/2015