Venue: Supreme Court, New York County
In this case, Plaintiff was injured when thrown from a stool at a bar by an employee. The plaintiff suffered a tri-malleolar fracture with plates and screws. Plaintiff had x-rays shown to the jury.
After jury selection, it was discovered that the plaintiff himself was trying to tamper and threaten witnesses from appearing at trial. When plaintiff was confronted with computer expert findings and upon rigorous cross examination, plaintiff admitted to the tampering. Both medical experts agreed that the plaintiff had permanent limitations and ranges of motion, but disagreed on the extent.
Plaintiff asked the jury for $600,000 in past and future pain & suffering and $50,000 in past and future medical expenses.
The jury awarded only $182,000 in past and future pain and suffering.
PMT Attorney: Lawrence J. Buchman
Court: Supreme Court, New York County
Case Type: Assault and Battery
Caption: Ralph Duncan v. Maracas Greenwich Avenue Partners, LLC t/a Maracas Greenwich Avenue Partners, i/n/h as Maracas Mexican Bar and Grill and Maracas Mexican Bar and Grill, and John Doe
Index No.: 116271/06