PMT Your Trusted Advisor: Knowing How to Resolve Cases and Teaching Court Mediators

PMT Your Trusted Advisor-Knowing How to Resolve Cases and Teaching Court Mediators -
By Jeffrey D. Schulman.

At PMT, we pride ourselves as the firm that knows how to resolve cases. We are not the only ones who feel that way. The New York State Court System has recognized our expertise and appointed founders and Executive Partners, Marc Pillinger and Jeffrey Miller, to serve on the New York State Supreme Court Mediation/Arbitration Committee.

They will be teaching mediation to the newly court-appointed mediators. “Our goal,” says Marc Pillinger, “is that our input and insights will help parties settle cases early.” Jeffrey Miller commented, “we settled over 1300 cases last year, which increased 30% more cases than the year before, with almost 500 cases resolved through mediation and arbitration. Our experience will positively help new mediators.”

The request by the New York State court system for the PMT Executive Partners is part of Chief Judge Janet DiFiore’s transformational state-wide initiative where parties in civil cases will go to mediation or alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as the first step in the case proceeding in court. The transformational initiative recognizes the new reality and shifts to a “mediate first” rather than a “litigate first” mentality. To accomplish this, the courts, in collaboration with the state-wide ADR coordinator and administrative judges have begun training. Already this month, Marc Pillinger and Jeffrey Miller, with their vast years of experience and knowledge, are helping to train new court-appointed mediators on how to resolve cases.

In addition, Marc Pillinger and Jeffrey Miller have accepted an appointment to the New York State Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section. Jeffrey Miller says, “we are in the resolution business.” Knowing how to resolve cases and teach court mediators is why PMT is your trusted advisor.

Should you have any questions, please call our office at (914) 703-6300 or contact:

Marc H. Pillinger, Executive Partner

Jeffrey T. Miller, Executive Partner