Transportation & Trucking
With an extensive understanding of the risks and realities that often trouble the trucking and transportation industry, PMT employs an elite team of transportation and trucking attorneys who have an in-depth knowledge of the investigative and discovery process. We provide legal counsel for motor carriers, owner/operators, commercial, school and transit bus companies, mass transit, limousine and shuttle services, taxis, delivery services and other commercial vehicle companies.
The essential step to building a defense against a plaintiffs’ claims of accident-related injuries is to have the right team on your side. We work with distinguished experts, including independent medical examiners, accident reconstruction experts, biomechanical engineers, human factors and safety experts, highway design experts, self-insureds, agencies, and others to develop defense against or resolution strategies of claims and to identify and prosecute insurance fraud.
Our “PMT-ER” PMT Emergency Response team of attorneys stands ready 24/7! When called upon, “PMT-ER” attorneys are immediately dispatched to preserve and document physical evidence, inspect vehicles and perform a download of the electronic control module, meet with the operator to offer any assistance on the scene in dealing with law enforcement and before giving any statements. Our team will move to effectively resolve transportation disputes with our unique understanding of the industry and the specific considerations associated with defending against transportation claims while minimizing any publicity and costs. As needed, we will work in conjunction with our PMT insurance coverage practice team when specific issues such as tenders of defense, insurance policy interpretation, contractual indemnity and coverage litigation between insurers arise.
Our attorneys perform early assessments of each case’s liability and damage aspects by utilizing a unique and proprietary process called the “PMT Numbers Roundtable“. Our assigned attorney presents a synopsis of the case to six senior partners, each with over 20 to 30 years of experience. Each of the six senior partners gives their opinion of the case’s verdict and settlement value. It provides a result that is 98% accurate! Some carriers use this service specifically.
In the end, we pride ourselves on being resolution experts. Our primary objective is to provide results and value with swift, cost-effective resolution to deliver the most favorable outcome possible.
We welcome the opportunity to further discuss our capabilities in this area. Should you require information on our capabilities in this area, please contact Jeffrey T. Miller at jmiller@pmtlawfirm.com or Jeffrey D. Schulman at jschulman@pmtlawfirm.com.
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