A Social Security Number is discoverable in a personal injury case because it is reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence. Claims of privacy and concerns for identity theft will not bar...
Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP Archives
Case by Case: Balance of Power: “Liberal Governor” Vetoes Two Progressive Backed Drastic Tort Bills
For many years, the balance of power in Albany in the Legislature was that the Democrats controlled the Assembly and the Republicans controlled the State Senate. Although the Democrats tried many...
Case by Case: Balance of Power: “Liberal Governor” Vetoes Two Progressive Backed Drastic Tort Bills
By Jeffrey T. Miller. For many years, the balance of power in Albany in the Legislature was that the Democrats controlled the Assembly and the Republicans controlled the State Senate. Although the...
Case by Case: Court of Appeals: Out-of-Possession Landlord
By Marc H. Pillinger. In a recent decision, He v. Troon Mgmt., Inc., 2019 WL 5429374 (N.Y. Oct. 24, 2019), the Court of Appeals [reversed the First Department and] held that an out-of-possession...
Case by Case: Auto Policy Held Primary in Construction Accident
By Lawrence N. Rogak. First Mercury Insurance Co. v State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co., 2019 NYSlipOp 51773 (Supreme Court, New York County) (Lebovitz, j) (10/29/2019) In this declaratory judgment...
Case by Case: Our Clients Speak
By John J. Tambascia. Sage Advice and Constant Support We who are in this business of defending our clients when they have an accident can become somewhat immune to the reality that when there is an...
Case by Case: Winds of Change? Second Department Adopts Tougher View of Safe Place To Work
By Jeffrey T. Miller. In November 2017, at Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP (“PMT”), we predicted that the Court of Appeals under Judge Janet DiFiore would begin to interpret the Labor Law more...
Case by Case: Court of Appeals Rules That Foreign Risk Retention Groups Are Not Subject To Insurance Law
Requiring A Disclaimer As Soon As Reasonably Possible One of the linchpins of insurance coverage in New York is Insurance Law §3420(d)(2) which requires that a disclaimer be made as soon as...