WHEN Wednesday,October 2nd, 20196:00-9:00 p.m. WHERE Fitler Club (Trophy Room)1 S. 24th StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19103 RSVP RSVP to Courtney Mowerycmowery@pmtlawfirm.com This is not an...
Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP Archives
Case by Case: Winds of Change? Second Department Adopts Tougher View of Safe Place To Work
By Jeffrey T. Miller. In November 2017, at Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP (“PMT”), we predicted that the Court of Appeals under Judge Janet DiFiore would begin to interpret the Labor Law more...
Case by Case: Court of Appeals Rules That Foreign Risk Retention Groups Are Not Subject To Insurance Law
Requiring A Disclaimer As Soon As Reasonably Possible One of the linchpins of insurance coverage in New York is Insurance Law §3420(d)(2) which requires that a disclaimer be made as soon as...
Ice Storm in Progress
Appellate Division Affirms Lower Court’s Grant of Summary JudgmentOn Basis of Plaintiff’s Own Testimony That There Was an Ice Storm in Progress Sometimes with summary judgment motions as with...
New York Courts to Begin Presumptive Mediation for Civil Cases (ADR)
By Marc H. Pillinger. By the end of this year, New York State Courts are set to have a system in place requiring civil litigation to attempt to be resolved through presumptive mediation, rather than...
Independent medical examination observer notes are privileged
By Marc H. Pillinger. The First Department, Appellate Division, in March 2019, addressed an issue of the first impression and ruled that notes created by an observer of an independent medical exam...
PMT Attorneys Obtain a Unanimous Defense Verdict
After an intense eight-day trial, PMT obtained a unanimous defense verdict in an attorney malpractice case in New Jersey Superior Court, Bergen County. Plaintiff, a New York immigration...
Social Media: Expanding Discoverability
By Jeffrey T. Miller. Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn have become major resources in the legal world. Lawyers have found that these resources can provide accurate...
Neil Sambursky joins PMT and will be the Managing Partner of its new Garden City, NY office
For the past several years, the PMT Law Firm (Pillinger Miller Tarallo, LLP) has provided excellent client service and has experienced exceptional growth. In addition to our 7 current locations, we...
Jeffrey Miller was selected as a featured guest on the Breakdown
The Breakdown is an informative and equally entertaining podcast discussion that addresses the insurance issues faced by NY contractors and developers today. Experts across multiple fields sharing...